
The Association of Animal Feed Specialties and Animal Health Products in the Netherlands (VDDN) was formed on January 1, 2016 from three trade associations, namely Dufagro, Fagrovet and Nefato. In 2015, these three organizations found each other to jointly promote their interests in the Netherlands.


Dufagro was founded in 2004 by a group of distributors of animal feed additives. The members are often entrepreneurs who supply their products to the animal feed industry in Northwest Europe. By working together, these entrepreneurs were able to make their voices heard at the Ministry, the NVWA, GMP+ International and the former Product Board Animal Feed.


Fagrovet was founded in 1976. Originally, the members were manufacturers and distributors of veterinary medicines, which could be sold without the intervention of a veterinarian. Due to changing legislation, more and more members have started to focus on complementary animal feeds and biocides. Many of these products are supplied directly or through local distributors to livestock farms.


Nefato was founded in 1967 by Dutch manufacturers and importers of additives for the animal feed industry. Due to European unification, advocacy has increasingly shifted to Europe. From 2005 to 2015, Nefato was the Dutch platform of FEFANA in Brussels.


FEFANA was founded in 1963 and represents the interests of producers and importers of additives for animal feed legislation and registration of additives in Europe. After the formation of the VDDN in 2016, the VDDN became the Dutch platform of FEFANA in Brussels.


The Members and the VDDN want to contribute to sustainable and healthy livestock farming.